Illustration / Posters

Celtic Fusion Poster "Conciertu les Lletres 2023"

Inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Asturias, this illustration and design for the Les Lletres Concert on the Day of Asturian Letters in 2023 featured prominent figures in Asturian Folk such as La Garrapiella, La Bonturné, Algaire, and the cherished Ochobre. The event also showcased bagpipe bands like La Madreña, Fonte Fuécara, Cangas de Narcea, and Castrillón. This project, comprising the main poster design and additional social media applications, aimed to present a unique perspective by focusing on Asturian literature and traditional music influences.

The central illustration depicted a bagpiper atop a tower made of books, reaching into the sky above the iconic Picu Uriellu. The sunrise backdrop empowered the figure and created a sense of grandeur, while strategically placed clouds added a touch of fantasy. The lettering, adorned with intricate details and relief, elevated the title’s prominence, captivating the viewer’s attention.

Celtic Fusion poster les lletres

The overall aesthetic of the poster is a harmonious blend of vintage lettering, incorporating elements of semi-uncial and Celtic alphabets. This nuanced approach provides a layered representation of the event’s content. Intricately woven Celtic decorations, combined with frames reminiscent of both Celtic and Victorian aesthetics, showcase a unique blend of vintage, Kustom Graphics, and Celtic styles.

This Folk Concert Poster, predominantly realized in a palette of green and black, serves as a vibrant homage to the literary and cultural heritage of Asturias. It captures the essence of the Asturian Letters Day, embodying the richness of Asturian culture through a kaleidoscope of artistic elements.

Celtic Fusion poster brochure

«In every stroke, I blend the cultural richness of Asturias, the essence of folk, and the Asturian letters, creating a visual journey that connects with tradition and imagination.» – Elduayen Radikal Art

Elduayen radikal Art Celtic Fusion poster

Harmony of Cultures: Les Lletres 2023 Folk Concert

«Experience the rich tapestry of Asturian folk music intertwined with the captivating melodies of renowned artists like La Garrapiella, La Bonturné, Algaire, and the folk-punk sounds of Ochobre. The event also features mesmerizing performances by traditional bagpipe bands such as La Madreña, Fonte Fuécara, Cangas de Narcea, and Castrillón. Join us for a magical evening where diverse musical traditions converge, celebrating the essence of Asturian heritage on the auspicious occasion of Las Letras Asturianas.»

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